DXA & Imaging Services

Image of the Dual-emission X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) machine at AIMSS

All Australians older than 50, particularly those with risk factors for osteoporosis or sarcopenia, can undergo a densitometry (DXA) scan to evaluate their bone density and body composition. 

Our DXA machines utilise the normative values from the Australian Body Composition Study by Kirk et al (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jcsm.12712) to assist clinicians in identifying body composition disorders such as sarcopenia and obesity.

AIMSS offers this service via Medicare. The test takes less than 30 minutes to complete. Reports are sent to both the GP and the patient, who then discuss about potential interventions, when indicated.

About the procedure/service

Our DXA services are located at Level 4 of the Western Centre for Health, Research and Education (AIMSS facilities), attached to Sunshine Hospital.

The test last 30 minutes.

Prepare for the test

There is no special preparation for this test, but patients are advised to wear comfortable clothing and don’t wear clothing with metallic objects in them.

Getting your results

Results are usually mailed to you and your GP. After receiving your results, please take some time to discuss them with your Doctor, even if those are normal. 

Request a referral

Ask your GP or Physician to:

  1. Complete a Bone Densitometry Referral Form.
  2. Scan and email the referral to imaging@aimss.org.au (or the email address outlined on the form).

After receiving the referral, our friendly team will contact you to book an appointment.

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