Take responsibility for one or several research projects aligned with the institute’s research goals.
As a member and Project Director, you will be responsible for one or several research projects within the priority research areas at AIMSS.
You won’t have to be based at AIMSS but should commit to perform at least 25% of your project at AIMSS or at one of Western Health affiliated Hospitals, including supervision of members in training based at AIMSS.
Project Directors will be under the guidance and supervision of a Program Director according to your areas of expertise. Project Directors require proof of independent funding and of their own research program and teams.
To become a Project Director, your research interests must be aligned with and support those of the institute.
You will need to be:
- research active; able to contribute to the research profile of the Institute
- employed by, or a student of the partner organisations forming AIMSS.
Performance requirements
As a member you will need to be required to:
- Meet agreed quality and performance measures
- Attract research funds, publish and present in key national and international forums
- Form partnerships with national and international academic, clinical and industrial partners
- Be in regular communication with your Program Director
Project Directors must be located on-site for not less than 25% time fraction. This condition could be exchanged by allocating one of their PhD or Master’s students to perform full time research activities at AIMSS.
As an AIMSS member you will be expected to:
- Demonstrate commitment to the development of the institute
- Contribute to achieving the research goals of the institute
- Develop new funding opportunities through collaboration and expansion
- Expected to contribute to an annual research report
- Promote the Institute, attend official functions and meetings representing AIMSS
- Serve as a research leader tasked with leading, supporting and monitoring performance in a specific area of research
- Acknowledge co-affiliation with AIMSS in all research publications, presentations, poster sessions etc. This includes all research that is aligned with AIMSS or performed at AIMSS
- Participate in strategic planning initiatives
Apply for membership
To apply for membership you need to:
- Complete a membership application form (signed by yourself and your department head)
- Attach a recent version of your CV
- Attach a list or relevant publications
AIMSS Membership Application Form
Download – pdf, 154.45 KB
Completed applications need to be sent to contact@aimss.org.au and will be reviewed by the AIMSS Management Committee.