AIMSS conducts internationally recognised high-quality clinical trials using our purpose built clinical trial rooms and facilities.
AIMSS boasts eight clinical consulting rooms facilitating the large numbers of clinical trials conducted by AIMSS and other Western Health and University staff.
We have the capacity to run Phase II, III and IV clinical trials and provide support and guidance in setting up clinical trials via our Members Hub.
We actively recruit clinical trial patients and can assist in the procurement or trial participants.
Here are some examples of clinical trials that are currently conducted by our members:
- EMPIRE Study: Phase 3 randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Testing the effect of vitamin D with or without Hydroxymethylbutyrate (HMB) on muscle and bone in patients with osteosarcopenia. Normative values from the Australian Body Composition Study by Kirk et al ( are used to screen patients for low muscle mass (sarcopenia) in this trial. ANZCTR Trial ID: ACTRN12619000636156.
- The ORMA Project: The Osteoporosis Risk and Management (ORMA) Project aims to improve the detection and management of osteoporosis and associated risk factors in people attending General Practices in Victoria. For more information:
- The Pomerium Trial: THis MRFF funded trial is testing the effect of a multinutrient solution on the immune system and muscle function of aged care residents
- Osteoporosis in Residential Aged Care (RAC) Project: We’re evaluating a simple easy-to-use tool called Break Free, for use in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs). Participants can access the tool as well as some additional resources for health professionals, residents and families. For more information:
Interested in participating in our many ongoing clinical trials on muscle and bone health? Complete a clinical trails registration or contact the institute.